Posts Tagged ‘MICE Slovenia’

To Feel in Heaven – Size Does Matter …

Heaven is a place where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and the Swiss are in charge of organization. Hell is a place where the police are German, the cooks are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss and everything is organized by […]

The power of the underdog

We all heard the story of underdog so many times – came out of nowhere and stole the win. Despite all the known stories the underdogs are still underestimated and a laugh stock. In my rather short career in business I was part of the team that was not considered a competition many times. Even […]

5 key answers why to organize an incentive in Slovenia

We can read about financial problems every day. But that doesn’t stop all the successful companies. They are now, more than ever, investing in their employees. To motivate them they often choose an incentive travel. Slovenia is one of the countries that can offer a lot of versatile incentive programs. Let’s take a look at […]

No boundaries for regional MICE events

As a DMC I often think of the boundaries of destination. Are these natural, political, economical, business, language or any other type of delimitation? As the region which spreads from the Alps to the Adriatic includes several countries and lands the area is extremely dynamic with cultural heritage and landscapes. Slovenia as a centrally positioned […]